At Effective Climate Solutions, our goal is to deploy infrastructure that creates resilient, independent, and self-sufficient communities. What this means is that our technology is easily-maintainable even by underskilled communities, portable in the event of disasters, and modular.
Modularity is an especially important aspect of our technology. If something is modular, it consists of several units that operate independently of one another. This is important for three major reasons.
First, modular infrastructure is flexible and adaptable. It is possible to adapt modular infrastructure to accommodate changing needs, circumstances, and challenges. If a community sees a sudden surge of demand, necessary modifications can be made with relative ease.
This flexibility has the added benefit of allowing modular infrastructure to be easily integrated into that which already exists. Microhydro water wheels can be attached to bridges. SOURCE hydropanels are closed loop and can be used in remote or urban locations without the need to run pipes or use old pipes which could contain toxins like lead, including house fittings. Although modular infrastructure may be capable of replacing infrastructure entirely, it also has the ability to harmonize with and supplement it.
Second, modular infrastructure is easy to maintain, upgrade, and deploy. If one node needs repair or to be updated with new technology, it can be mended without disrupting the entire system. If new infrastructure is needed with short notice, it can be installed quickly and with little hassle.
Its ease of maintenence is especially noticeable in its lower knowledge barrier. It is much easier for communities and individuals to work with modular infrastructure because it consists of simpler parts and mechanisms. This ensures that first responders can be locally-based. Instead of waiting on a distant company to charge for repairs, communities can take initiative and address issues with their own resources.

Finally, modular infrastructure is less prone to environmental risk. Because our modular infrastructure is decentralized and independent, it is not affected by damage to a greater electrical grid. Quickly restoring infrastructure is key in the aftermath of a disaster, and modular infrastructure is especially good at enabling this. It can be moved to another location or redeployed without significant expenditures.
Contact Effective Climate Solutions to learn more about ways you can improve your community with modular, decentralized infrastructure.